Saturday 2 May 2015

Inspiration on Monday: TBR Tin

Inspiration on Monday

Inspiration on Monday is an awesome creative link up hosted by Trish at Love, Laughter and a Touch of Insanity.

Because this week is the Re-Readathon I decided to post about this a couple of days early rather than missing it (again).  

For this week's link up I decided to post about my recent excursion into making a TBR tin. A few weeks ago, when I made my resolution not to buy books for the rest of the year, I decided that I also needed a fall back for when none of my books were really calling to me, and after perusing Pinterest I decided the time had come to make myself a TBR jar. I will say that during the course of making it I did slightly come to regret that decision, but now that it's done it's already been immensely awesome so it's definitely worth the effort. 

So I looked at various people's posts about making beautiful jars and being really crafty, and then I decided to just be lazy and use this awesome tin we had lying around (there is minimal actual craftiness in this post). 

Honestly I thought that the addition of 700+ unread book titles to the tin was work enough without starting up with the paint and glitter, but I applaud those who do! 

After I found the tin I stared writing all the titles of my unread books out, then cutting the papers into strips and folding them like so:

I set myself a routine of doing at least one shelf per day and finally I was finished! I did make a lot of extra work for myself by putting each book in a series in, whereas it would have made sense to just write the name of the series instead and then keep putting it back in the tin until the series was finished (thanks instagram friend for that tip!) Ah well, we live we learn. 

Here's what it looked like when it was done:

I have already used it to pick out books for the 24 hour readathon, one and a half of which I actually ended up reading during it, so it's been successful so far, and having it does make me feel less stressed about what to read next and less likely to rush off to the library and get twenty books (although that does still happen from time to time!). Weirdly I think having it may be making me less wary of what to read next, if that makes any sense at all? Because I know I have something to make the decision for me, it's easier to make the decision for myself...

Anyway! If you'd like some examples of how to actually make your own TBR jar/tin/whatever, rather than just using what you have lying around and being lazy like me, here are some other posts:

How to put book pages on a jar (actually a candle tutorial but just don't do the cut out and it would work amazingly for this!)


  1. I love the tin! I've been meaning to make my own TBR jar for ages, though I'm not sure I have the patience for glitter. At the moment I'm pretty happy reading from my own shelves so this would be perfect to help me know which one to pick next :D

  2. And here I've missed my own link-up! I got so caught up with work and our camping trip last weekend that it totally slipped my mind until I was texting with a friend yesterday about quilting stuff.

    Love this idea! I'm about to completely pare down my library (so she says) and will have to try this. And love the links you left to various other projects. Please link this one up again during the next one? May 18th. xo

    1. Haha I will do! Seems like your camping trip was awesome though:-)

  3. I've been using a TBR jar of my own for a little while, but I find that I will pull out a title and then go "mmm, nope" and take another one out, which sort of defeats the purpose!

  4. I love this idea, even if there is no glitter or paint :)

  5. I keep toying with the idea of a TBR jar/tin/thing but then I can't decide if I'd actually USE it or if I just want to make it as a form of procrastination. I don't really struggle with choosing what to read next, but maybe it would help nudge me towards my older books?


  6. I do the same with series - just write the series name on the paper. It makes more sense, and it means you don't have to start faffing about if new books come out. It also means that if I'm invested in a series but don't want to buy more than I already own, I can still put the paper back in the jar but request the next book from the library if I draw it out again. :)

    I used different coloured paper and a cheap clip-top kilner jar, but I haven't split the colours by genre or anything. It just looks fun on my bookcase! I'd probably get too picky with what I drew out that way. I only really use it if I'm in a real 'throw anything at me' mood - or if I'm making a monthly TBR I pick from the jar FIRST then build the rest of the pile from there so I don't end up with two monster classics or something. :)
