About Me

There is not a time in my life when I don't remember reading. As the age of around six, I had to go to a completely different part of the school at reading time, as I'd read all of the books in my year group. My house is full of books although I'm trying to read what I own before buying anything new and have declared 2016 the Year of Buying Indie.
Aside from having something to focus on, the other reason for starting An Armchair by the Sea is that I'd reached a point where I was finding that I would get half way through a book and realise that I'd already read it, years before. The blog helps out a lot with this, and also with giving me a point of reference when people ask for recommendations (seriously, my memory is that bad).
In 2013, along with a good friend of mine, Hanna, who I made through blogging (yay, blogging!) I cofounded the Ninja Book Swap which is a twice yearly swap for book lovers during which people send out amazing parcels of bookish loveliness mostly to people they've never met before. There is nothing better than knowing there are so many lovely people in this world willing to spend their time and money to make a total stranger's day. To find out more check out our blog or follow us on twitter!
Genre -wise, I really do read a bit of everything. Primarily fiction, but non-fiction as well. I'm very interested in fairy tales, folklore, and mythology - this was my area of specilisation at university, and fairytale retellings especially I've been reading a lot of lately. I also really enjoy graphic novels and fantasy, and have been known to indulge in the odd bit of science fiction. I like both 'literary' and general fiction, and also dabble in crime, thriller, mystery, and chick lit. I'm on Goodreads, Twitter,and Instagram so feel free to contact me there, or by email, which is thetangledwebweweave@gmail.com. I will always try to respond to emails, although it may take me some time.
Review Policy
I am currently accepting books for review. If you are an author/publisher/publicist, and wish me to review your book, please email me at thetangledwebweweave (at) gmail (dot) com. Please send a synopsis of the book with your request, as this will allow me to assess whether the book will fit within the themes of my blog.
By asking me to review your book, you must accept that my review will be my honest opinion of the book, in which I will give a balanced outline of my response to the book. Although I will usually try to review everything I receive, sometimes this is not possible and I reserve the right to not review a book for any reason.
Unfortunately I do not accept ebooks. After lots of trying, I've come to accept that until the day when something convinces me to get an ereader, ebooks and I just do not get on. I am very happy to accept physical copies, though, and would expect to keep them after review. The current time for reviews will be 2-3 months, but if you have any special requirements, please let me know and I will try to accommodate them!
If you are an independent publisher I will be especially interested to hear from you!
Genres Prefered
- Contemporary/Literary Fiction
- Fantasy & Science Fiction
- YA
- Romance/Chick Lit
- Mystery & Detective Fiction (note, this does not include Thrillers or Horror, which I do not read)
- Graphic Novels
- Children's Fiction
- Biography
- Non- fiction (on all subjects, but especially history, music, literature, and science and creativity based)
I will also accept other genres if the subject looks interesting to me, so please do contact me!