Sunday 15 November 2015

Announcing the Little House Series Read-along!

You may have seen a little while back that the Classics Club announced their Women's Classic Literature event which began in October and runs all the way through next year. As soon as I heard about it I knew that I would be jumping in and that I wanted to finally read the entire of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House series. I announced my intention to do so on my sign up post for the event, and was swiftly contacted by Lynn of Smoke and Mirrors who was planning on doing the same thing. We decided to pool our resources and here you have it; the Little House Series Read-along!

The way that it will work is (hopefully) thus: we will be reading one book a month, and we will take it in turns to host the months (don't worry if you only follow one of us as we'll both post to let you know that the post is up!). Each month we will do an intro post at the beginning of the month which will have a linky for you to add your posts/reviews and wrap up the month with our own review posts. 

We are going to read all eleven books and have designated December to auto/biographies. You are entirely welcome to join us for the whole year, just one book, or dip in and out and just join in with the ones you haven't read or would like to read. Whatever you want to do, we're happy to have you! If you are interested in joining us, even just for a couple of the books, then it would be fantastic if you could write a post about the readalong on your own blog to help us spread the word and then link it up below! Lynn and I will both be creating pages on our blogs for the readalong schedule and readalong associated things so you'll easily be able to check out what we're doing. For the sake of ease I'll also post the schedule here so you can see what we're planning. The books are all fairly short and for me being from the UK they're set in a historical period that I don't know much about so it will be interesting for me to do some background research/reading! 

In case you don't know, the Little House series is a set of children's novels based on Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood in the American Midwest during the 1870s and 80s. The last two that we'll be reading (besides the biographies) are about her adult life and marriage to her husband, whose childhood is featured in Farmer Boy. I was really excited to discover that the Little House books have their own super cool (geared at kids, but all the best stuff is) website with lots of info about the books and recipe pages. I am definitely going to be making town party lemonade and heart-shaped Christmas cakes over the course of the year! Why wouldn't you want to join us? 


January - Little House in the Big Woods
February - Little House on the Prairie
March - Farmer Boy
April - On the Banks of Plum Creek
May - By the Shores of Silver Lake
June - The Long Winter
July - Little Town on the Prairie 
August - These Happy Golden Years
September - The First Four Years
October - On the Way Home
November - West from Home 
December - Pioneer Girl/ A Wilder Rose by Susan Wittig Albert (we are going to read one each of these and then both if we have time. You are welcome to choose either one or any other book related to Laura Ingalls Wilder) 

If you'd like to join us, link up your sign up posts here! 

I'm super excited about this and really looking forward to chatting about the series. If you'd like to chat with us on twitter please use #littlehouseRAL so we can keep up easily! There is also hopefully going to be a Facebook group - watch this space!


  1. I'm so excited for this event! Thanks for hosting!! :-)

    1. You're very welcome! We're so excited about it too!

  2. I cannot deny myself. I think I will be joining you guys.

  3. I am so excited to reread this series! One of my childhood favorites! Thanks for hosting :)

  4. Jillian told me all about this so here I am - signing up. Just added a new page to my classics club blog as well. Ciao!!

  5. It's been so long since I've read the series all the way through! I'm in!! :)

  6. I think (if it matters what I think!) :) that I will read Farmer Boy before Little House on the Prairie. Farmer Boy was written in 1933, while Little House was written in 1935. Sorry if that messes things up. :)

    1. That's fine! Just make sure you put that in your link if you link up so people can avoid until they've read it,if they want to do that!:-)

  7. Okay! I don't have all the books, but I do have my blog and a little heap of Little House goodness to be going at, so why not?! :)

  8. So it's now January 1st, Eastern time - and NZ is already into January 2nd!! Can we start reading now? Can we? Huh, can we?? LOL How is this going to work anyway?

    1. Haha yes you may! I posted today about how it will work, and Lynn has done the intro post for Little House in the Big Woods over on her blog :-) There are linkys in both posts so you can link up your thoughts if you blog about it, or if you just want to chat in the comments of either post that's fine too! Basically we're taking it in turns to host each month - this month Lynn, next month me and so on, and each month on 1st in our timezones we'll do an intro to that months books with a linky and then at the end of the month we'll post review/wrap up type posts. also if you're on twitter you can use #littlehouseRAL to chat to us (and everyone else) about it! Happy reading!
