Friday 1 January 2016

Little House Read-Along: Kick Off!

Happy New Year! It's January 1st and that means only one thing around these parts - the Little House Read-Along is finally starting! Lynn and I have been planning this for a few months and we are both so excited to read these books together and talk about them with friends. In case you missed it, we're reading a book a month throughout 2016. You can find the full schedule and details here and you're welcome to join us at any point throughout the year.

We're starting the year with Little House in the Big Woods. Lynn is hosting this month so check out her blog for the full intro post and please link up your posts/reviews/thoughts/whatever throughout the month at the link below, which will also be in Lynn's post! If you're talking about the read-along on twitter or instagram please use #littlehouseRAL so we can easily find you. 

I have never read this book before and my knowledge of the series going in is pretty minimal, but I'm looking forward to some comfort reading. My copy of the book is so old that it only cost 40p when it was brand new! I don't own the full series yet and the ones that I have are all different editions which is kind of cool. I love seeing different editions of the same book, so please feel free to let me know what edition yours is! Here's mine for this month. 

Happy reading! See you at the end of the month for my thoughts on the book!


  1. I love the cover of your book, Bex! I'm so excited. I am concentrating on blogging today and completing some actual "work" from home for "work"! But I can't wait to launch into this first book of the series!

  2. Speaking of covers, I hope you dont mind that I borrowed the cover of your book for my review. Since I only have an omnibus, it does not have any of the traditional covers. Just one modern contemporary photograph of a log cabin. In the meantime, I have read and posted my review of Big Woods. But there will be more to come since I have a lot of questions, so I will be doing some research!!!

  3. Ooh! Must join this one since I have all the books sitting on my shelf! Gotta blow the dust off of them first!

  4. I've posted my review! Really enjoyed revisiting the Big Woods. If it weren't for the Read-Along, I might have gone on to the next one already, but I think it's a good thing to take my time with it. :)

  5. Such a cute book! Glad I could revisit it :)
