Thursday 10 January 2013

2nd Blogoversary! (only a day late...)

I can’t believe how fast this past year has gone, and somehow I have managed to make it to my second anniversary of blogging! Technically it was yesterday, and despite actually posting yesterday I totally forgot until after I’d posted, and then Benji screamed  all afternoon, so I kinda ran out of time and energy. But anyway, here it is!

I really wish I could do a giveaway for it like I did last year, but because of the baby I am totally skint, so I can’t L I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you who read the blog. I know that a lot of people find their blogs pressurising but this has never been that for me. Although I do feel a little guilty if I don’t post for a couple of weeks, and I know that the content of the blog has been very memey/photos of booky lately, I still love it. The blog is somewhere to come and just ramble and revel in books and chat with all of you guys and I just love it. It’s my little escape, and I definitely need that more than ever now with the baby!

I love being a part of the blogging community and the support that it’s given me through some pretty rough times over the past two years. It seems silly that something I started purely to keep track of the books I read could have become such a big part of my life, but there we have it. It’s also, like I said last year, pretty much the only thing (motherhood excepted) that I’ve ever stuck at, and I’m ridiculously proud of it. Although I work a lot harder on some of my reviews than others, and it shows, there’s still a huge amount of content on here that I’m not horrifically embarrassed by, so that’s good.

In the next year I’d like to be more disciplined about the blog. I’d like, for example, to resurrect my long dead monthly Fairytale Feature, and the Monday Spotlight on a children’s author that I did for a while. At the moment I’m in kind of a transitional phase – Benji’s just about started sleeping properly at night and I’m nearly well rested enough to start organising stuff to do with my evenings. I’m doing a lot of crafts and I really do plan to spotlight those more in the coming year as well. This will always remain primarily a place to talk about books, though, and if the crafts get overpowering, I may even start a new blog just for them. 

I don't want to continually be mentioning the same people over and over, but special mentions must (as always) go to Ellie, Hanna & Laura, who are weirdly a very constant part of my actual everyday life despite the fact that we've never actually met. 

Thanks guys, and here's to another awesome year! :-) 


  1. Happy Blogoversery!

  2. Happy Blogoversary!
    My sister had a baby at round about the same time as you and seeing how hard it's been, I'm so impressed that you've carried on blogging.

    1. Thanks Sam :-) It's been hard work, but I guess it helps that he sleeps pretty well at night so I get a bit of time to sort my thoughts out then!

  3. Awwwwwwwww you can totally keep mentioning the same people over and over, *I* won't mind ;) I'm so so happy that I found your blog this year and that you carried on blogging even though YOU HAD A BABY WHICH IS AMAZING! I love you so much I'm even going to forgive you for saying blogoversary! (seriously, that's an ugly word people). Anyway *HUGGLE*

    ps I'm excited to read crafty things! I love crafts!

    1. Yay crafts! I knew you wouldn't be complaining about that! I seriously think we need to start up a sewing machine support group, though, because I'm terrified of mine too and I want not to be because somebody gave me some awesome sailor teddy bear material and I want to make a beanbag for Benji's room, plus I want to make a quilt and like a hundred other things. So yes, let's get unscared of our sewing machines, ok? :-)

      Oh and in response to your comment on my other post, yes Kingston- upon - Thames, and yes we have totally been crossing paths our whole lives!!

      What's the deal with you and blogoversary? Why do you hate it so much?

  4. Happy second blogoversary! Hope you have another excellent year of book blogging. :)

  5. Congratulations my little book muffin (and hello to the baby fairy cake!). I love coming over here to see what you've been up to, hear about the books you've been enjoying, squee over the occasional pics of Benji, marvel at your artistic ability and generally keep up with what's happening in BexWorld.

    I think that's why bloggers feel so close to each other, y'know? I mean, I may be alone in this, I don't know, but who else do we share our lives with like we do here? Who else is privy to our rants and our joys, and our passion for the books we read and the stuff happening in our world on a day to day basis? I mean, we have families who get our life stuff but maybe aren't bothered about books, or maybe we have other friends who listen to our rants but don't keep up with us on a regular basis... In the blogosphere we get the whole package - or at least, key elements of it! My closest blog friends are like best friends, book club buddies, counsellors and favourite cousins, all rolled into one! That's what makes it so special, I think.

    Okay, I'm getting gushy. Time to say HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY - and long may it last! :D

    1. *coughs* Wow. Long comment there. Sorry! :)

    2. I know what you mean. My family are quite bookish, but because I live 100 miles away from them it's nice to have the blog because I can just go on about whatever I feel like rambling about that day and know that people will get it :-) And yes, I agree that blog friends are many things in one!!

      Thankyou! Two years is pretty much longer than I've kept up anything else in terms of hobbies, so here's hoping!

  6. Ellie, Hanna & Laura, who are weirdly a very constant part of my actual everyday life despite the fact that we've never actually met.

    That makes perfect sense, you know. I've never thought of it like that, but you're absolutely right. I have real-life friends who know me less well than people on here. Maybe it's because we only see each other's good sides or because we can think before we type (unlike having a face-to-face conversation), but I think it's because people are genuinely more open on the Internet and we 'met' via a shared love of books, so we had something in common right from the beginning.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm being a bit creepy or imposing by sending Benjamin a gift voucher for Christmas or whatever, but posts like this make me feel better :)

    We love you too Bex!
