Friday 21 August 2015

A Way Into YA

photo courtesy of Rina Reads Books
If you've been a long time reader of this blog you will have seen me be suspicious about YA, then bemoan my lack of reading it and then gradually begin to dip my toes in the water and discover some titles I've really enjoyed. Having felt this way myself I can now say that I really don't think anybody should worry about reading Young Adult titles when they're no longer in the age bracket that these books may have originally been targeted for - as we're always saying in the blogosphere, read whatever you want and never be ashamed!

That said I still feel very wary of YA as a genre purely because there is so much choice and beyond the hyped titles and things that get made into movies I'm never really sure where to start. Also I got a bit caught up in the 'everything having a cover like the Twilight books' thing and decided the whole genre must be about sparkly vampires. I'm sorry. When I mentioned this on twitter (the overwhelm, not the sparkly vampires) and asked if anybody would be interested in guest posting their recommendations for me the response was a resounding yes and so this week I will have a post for you each day with a different blogger telling you about a few of their favourite titles. At the end of the week I will wrap up with a little about some of my own favourites plus a few awesome resources from the YA community!

If you're wanting to read more YA but unsure of where to start then I hope this helps, and if you're a dedicated reader then I hope you'll discover some fantastic new books.

At the end of the week I'd love to do a big giveaway of lots of YA books to really encourage people towards diving into the genre. I will be providing a couple of prizes myself, but if you'd like to donate a prize, be it a book of your own you've finished reading and are willing to pass to someone else, book related swag, or 'a book of your choice up to x value' kind of prize, please fill in the form. 

All of your help towards making this a great event is massively appreciated. 

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