Tuesday 23 February 2016

It's Re-Readathon Time!

Last year I hosted two re-readathons. The first was a week long, which we all agreed wasn't long enough. The second was two weeks which was a little too long, so the third re-readathon will last for 10 days, from Monday March 21st to Wednesday March 30th.

The rules are very simple: re-read. Grab your favourites that you've read twenty times or the brilliant books you've been meaning to read again but haven't had the time and make time with us! There will be mini challenges (and Instagram challenges, for those who are into Instagram - I am!), all of which will have associated prizes, because we all like bookish swag, am I right? And hopefully you'll get to revisit a bunch of favourites and make some new friends!

To sign up just post about the re-readathon on your blog (or on twitter if you don't have a blog) and link up that post or tweet in the linky below. Feel free to use the image I've created or make your own. Please do not just link your main blog link. I'd really appreciate the help spreading the word about the event, and if you've posted specifically about the readathon then I can come and say hi! If you want to post your TBR for the event or make goals or whatever you're very welcome to do that too!

You don't have to dedicate the ten days exclusively to re-reading. I will, and I know some of you will want to do that, but the idea is just to allow time for the re-reading that so often gets pushed out by the overwhelming amount of awesome new books we want to read, so you can re-read one book, five books, ten books, whatever you want!

Everyone who signs up between now and March 21st will also be entered into a giveaway to win a book of their choice, so don't forget to link up! Also if you use #rereadathon on twitter and Instagram it makes it easier for us to find each other and chat :-)

I'm so excited about this event - I'm formulating a TBR and I'll be posting it shortly!

Link up below!


  1. Well, I don't know if I'm blogging about it yet, or just Instagramming, so I won't link anything up - but count me in! My mum's away on a birthday holiday with my stepdad that week, and all my read books are now TOGETHER on my bookshelves (very handily), and I've got a few I've been meaning to reread, so BRING IT ON! Let's see, there's Dorian Gray (my sweet love), maybe The Secret Garden, Tex by S.E. Hinton, THE SECRET HISTORY OMG OMG YESSSSS.

    1. P.S. If I Instagram a TBR pile or something nearer the time and use the #rereadathon hashtag, shall I link that instead?

    2. Yes,link Instagram that's totally fine :-) ooooh The Secret Garden, its been years since I read that! Might have to see if Mary Lennox is still as horrible now I'm all grown up...

    3. Oops, it's signed me up twice for some reason! I hit a glitch the first time around, the entry must have gone through just before the page zonked out. Sorry about that. :(

  2. Can't wait - I LOVE re-readathon!

  3. I'm so excited for this! There's a few books I didn't get around to in the last re-readathons so it'll be great to have an excuse to read them. I've been re-reading Harry Potter too and I've sort of stalled on that, so that's another option :)

  4. Thank you for hosting this. I will share my list tomorrow. :)

  5. Definitely will be doing this - I'll be on holiday, so will have plenty of time to revisit my old favourites. Will definitely tweet, and hopefully also blog.

  6. Finally actually signed up! I've just got three books to reread so far, although if I get through them quickly, I've got plenty of "maybes" as well. But I'm also reading The Stand along with my best friend, so I'll be dividing my reading time between old and new. Getting very excited to read American Gods again. I think I will start with that one.

  7. I signed up! Better late than never, right?

    It does make me feel better than Katie was only one day before me ;)

  8. I'll post about this tomorrow. I didn't think I would have time to do this, but then realized the next book club read is a re-read! So I'll have one!! 😀

    1. That's awesome,glad to have you join us :-D

  9. thank you for organising! x

  10. Happy to find this on again - yr 2 for me. Rereading may be slower during Holy Week, but I'm in :) Thx for hosting.
