Friday 12 September 2014

Dickens in December - What to Read?

Some of you may remember that I hosted a #dickensindecember readalong of A Tale of Two Cities last year, and that I'd mentioned my desire to read a Dickens novel each December as I can pretty much only handle one Dickens novel a year. Well, I was thinking about it the other day and wondering if people would be interested in reading along with me again this year? I know that for a lot of people A Tale of Two Cities was haaaaard work, and I don't think Dickens ever isn't (A Christmas Carol aside) but actually I've liked every one I've read so far and the hard slog is usually worth it in the end! 

I asked Twitter what we should read, and there were a lot of different responses, so I've decided to set up a poll on here. I've given you four choices and whichever gets the most votes is the one we'll read in December, so what are you waiting for? Go and cast your vote!

The poll is in the right hand sidebar at the top and will remain there until early November. That should give you enough time to spread the word so that there can be a large number of us whinging at each other about the amount of description and what the hell is going on!


  1. I'm impressed at your forward planning :)

    1. Haha so am I! I thought if I didn't do it now I'd totally forget all about it, whereas if I leave that poll there for a few months it will remind me every time I look at the blog :-p You see, I have ulterior motives!

  2. Ohhhhhhh, I'm not sure whether to look forward to or dread this! How about you read them all before December, decide which is the best and then we'll all just read that one? :D

    1. Haha nooo! I'm as scared as you are, that's why I need backup!! A Tale of Two Cities ended up ok, right?

    2. I still have nightmares about A Tale of Two Cities. Very boring nightmares that take three times as long as they should, and don't make any sense! Although they usually feature knitting, which is interesting.

  3. At least Pickwick is tying with Little Dorrit, so we'll end up with either the long one I wouldn't read on my own OR the book that I actually want to read the most.

    Win win! For me, anyway :)
