Monday 7 February 2011

My Year (or week...) of Not Buying Books..

So I've decided to be brave, and attempt to not buy any more books for an entire year, until the beginning of February 2012.... I really don't know if this is going to work, but I'm giving it a go! Especially since I looked through my TBR, and have switched my challenge reading lists around a bit, and it turns out that I can accomodate most of the challenges I've signed up for in stuff I've already bought, or stuff that my amazing library can get for me!

I'll admit I'm absolutely terrified at the idea of not buying books at all. This is an incomprehensible idea to me - I've always bought books! I counted, and at the moment, my TBR stands at around 190 books. And we just moved house, and I gave a load that I thought I'd never get round to reading to the charity shop. I dread to think what it would have been before... I think this will be good for me....

In other news, I'm very annoyed with my lack of access to the internet. Currently we don't have it in our house, so I'm using my (amazing) phone, as a kind of mini computer, but unfortunately, while it allows me to make changes to some things on my blog, it doesn't let me put up new posts or anything quite that sophisticated. So for that I have to come to the library, which I can only do on days I'm not working, and then only for an hour a day... so it's difficult to slot regular posts in, which is very frustrating, as I'm now getting really behind on reviews I've posted compared to what I've actually read!

Things I read in January (with links to reviews):
Good reading month, February's set to be even better, I'm excited!(also, I've just finished The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, because I was reading so many awesome reviews of it, and I literally read it in two hours, I couldn't put it down! Thanks for the reviews, everyone!)


  1. Gosh, no books for a year is a brave undertaking. I've put myself on a similar 'diet' and that is No Books Over $10 which frees me up to go bargain hunting with minimal guilt. I can see space becoming an issue sometime in the future, though. We'll see . . .

  2. Good Luck! I don't know if I could restrain myself for an entire year... I think that may be the hardest reading challenge I've seen!

  3. Thanks!I'm already doubting myself...but we'll see how long I last!

  4. Best of luck! I'm trying to focus on clearing off most of my TBR shelf before buying new books, but I commit myself to challenge books that I don't already own (eep!). We think alike regarding challenges--I try to get TBR shelf books to squeeze into challenges, too.

  5. Good luck! I'm not on a book buying ban, but I have cut down considerably since the new year. I'm rediscovering my library, which is fun :)

  6. I'm doing CB's TBR Dare and am struggling with that. i can't even imagine not purchasing books for a year. WOW. Good luck and keep us updated on your success.

  7. I always try to go on book buying bans and I end up failing them! I've put myself on an informal book diet instead, trying to limit it to just a couple a month or within a certain budget. Good luck, I hope you can do it!

  8. Good luck with your buying ban...I bought considerably less last year than I used to; my husband however, has been buying on his Kindle sort of non-stop since he got it :(

  9. P.S. I have an award waiting for you here. Congrats :)
