I am not currently able to be here. I am really missing blogging, but there are things happening in our family at the moment which are a little bit tragic and little bit difficult - and when I say a little bit, really I mean hugely, earth shatteringly difficult. Everybody is ok health wise and everything's ok with the baby and things (although I did accidentally fold him up earlier while trying to put socks on, but I hear babies are resilient), but we're just trying to come to terms with some emotional stuff now and I need space to do that. I will be back soon, but I'm not going to push it. I will be back to blogging but I can't say when, I only hope it will be soon.
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Books for Baby #2
This feature may be more regular than I'd originally planned, as my old primary school had their May fair this past weekend, so I may have done a little baby book shopping... :-/ It's difficult to resist when they're under £1! Also, my parents are moving house and so we spent the weekend going through all the books my siblings and I had as children. This is just the first mini installment. There will be more!
Just as a kind of by-the-way, we had the 20 week scan today, and all is well. Also, baby was being very modest, but they're fairly sure it's a boy! :-)
Here's what I got:
Just as a kind of by-the-way, we had the 20 week scan today, and all is well. Also, baby was being very modest, but they're fairly sure it's a boy! :-)
Here's what I got:
- Winnie the Pooh: The Complete Collection of Stories and Poems by A.A Milne - on 'loan' from my little sister (aged almost 17 :-p), who wants it back once the baby outgrows it. I don't blame her really, it's gorgeous and illustrated and has pretty much everything Hundred Acre Wood related in it.
- Old Bear Stories by Jane Hissey - I had entirely forgotten about Old Bear until my other sister found this under a pile of books we were rummaging through at the fair. There used to be a TV series as well. Brilliant.
- In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak - when I heard about his death a little while back, it was another one of those situations where I suddenly realised that he had written a huge amount more than just Where the Wild Things Are, which is what I knew him for, so I managed to get hold of this on Readitswapit. Reading it, I realised that I have actually read it before, and it's incredibly weird, but in a good way, I think...
- In Wibbly's Garden by Mick Inkpen - WIBBLY PIG!! that is all.
- Noah's Ark by Lucy Cousins - a board book my mum found in amongst her piles of sheet music. Also the only book I currently posses which is actually suitable for a small baby.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Review: Are You My Mother? by Alison Bechdel
I always have problems writing reviews of books I really
like. Making my thoughts productive and coherent, rather than just spending a
whole post squealing ‘oh my gosh it was AWESOME!’ often seems an impossible
task, but lately Alison Bechdel seems to be everywhere, and after reading about
her and this book first on Brenna’s blog, and then in the Saturday Times
Review, I thought it was probably time to take the hint and get my act together.
I am a relative newcomer to the world of the graphic memoir
– I never would have discovered Fun Home,
Alison Bechdel’s first book, if not for stumbling upon Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi in the library one day (I’m not going
to talk about it again, because you can see how the two link together here). Fun Home, primarily about Bechdel’s
relationship with her father, was published in 2006, and I was writing my
review of it when I found out about Are
You My Mother? which is primarily about Bechdel’s relationship with her
While Fun Home mostly
focused on Alison Bechdel as a child and teenager and her relationship with her
father growing up, Are You My Mother?
is much more focused on her adult life. Although she uses scenes from her
childhood throughout, she looks at them from a more adult angle; the major
focus is on her exploration of her relationship with her mother during her
therapy sessions, and she uses childhood incidents to illustrate this journey. In
my review of Fun Home I said that it
felt to me like Alison’s mother had given up on her own interests and
personality the minute she got married. In Are
You My Mother?, Bechdel talks about how her mother has recently begun
writing poetry again, having stopped for the entire period of her marriage. At
one point one of her psychologists says that it doesn’t seem like there was
room in Alison’s family for more than one genius. The genius had to be her
father, so both her mother and herself subdued their personalities to his
benefit. Her mother as portrayed after the death of her father seems to be a
much less angry more creative and relaxed kind of person.
I will just add at this point that if you are a first time
Bechdel reader, it’s probably best to start with Fun Home, as Are You My
Mother? does tend to assume that you will have read it.
The novel has a lot of other references running through it. There
is extensive reference to Virginia Woolf, and I think this the point at which I
admit that the only one of Woolf’s novels I have actually finished, To the Lighthouse, which is referenced
comprehensively throughout the novel, I really disliked. Despite this, she is a
writer I really want to like, and
Bechdel’s comparisons are articulate and make a lot of sense. While I’m coming
clean, I may as well just admit that I really liked the literary air that the
Woolf references gave the novel. It may be snobby or superficial or whatever of
me, but I enjoy books which make me feel smarter, and this one did. Woolf is a
writer who has obviously had a lot of influence over Bechdel, and who also had
problems dealing with her relationships with her parents. She was also a fairly
psychological writer, in terms of wanting to understand the mental processes of
her characters, and the book really centres around psychology and the understanding
which can be created by it. It is divided into chapters, into each of which is
placed a dream that Bechdel has had at different points in the writing of her
two memoirs. As well as being a journey to understanding her relationship with
her mother, the book is also the journey towards understanding herself. The
other important characters besides her mother are her two therapists, and it is
through them, and through frequent references to the work of psychoanalyst
Donald Winnicott, that Alison seems to come to understand her parents and her
own relationship with them on a much deeper level.
If I could draw I would want to be a graphic novelist. I
love the medium, and not just because it’s pretty (which it is), but because
it’s so powerful. While the conventional novelist is limited to what they can
say in words (and I know that for many writers this is a freedom rather than a
limitation, but you know what I mean), the graphic novelist has so much else at
their disposal. For example, Bechdel’s references to psychoanalysis would
probably have gone totally over my head in a conventional novel, but because
they were illustrated it made the concepts much easier to engage with. Also
just the use of colours can be so striking and convey so much. Throughout Are You My Mother? Bechdel uses very
muted tones – mostly shades of black and white with red, which makes the story
seem much more subdued. It also means that although the artwork is brilliant,
you don’t get so distracted by it that it detracts from the story, which is
good as I am a very easily distracted type of person.
I feel a bit that I’ve been distracted into being more
analytical about Are You My Mother?
than I initially wanted to be. Although there is a lot in the novel just
waiting to be analysed, I reacted to the book emotionally rather than
analytically. I just really enjoyed learning about Bechdel’s life and her
family. Other people’s lives have always fascinated me it was what originally
made me want to be a writer when I was little, and Alison Bechdel’s life is
definitely an interesting one. Yes, Are
You My Mother? wasn’t an easy read, but it was a really rewarding one. I
finished it feeling like I’d learned a lot, not just about the author and her
life, but about literature, psychology, and the graphic medium itself.
A copy of Are You My
Mother? was very generously provided to me by the amazing publishers,
Jonathan Cape.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Telling Tales Challenge May Link Up!
So I know I'm late again putting the link up post up for this month, and I have no excuse except that I have actually, finally, been reading some stuff for this challenge!! Ok I haven't actually got to writing the reviews yet, but I read! Yay me! Coming soon will be reviews of Ragnarok: The End of the Gods by A.S Byatt (awesome!), and Fables Volume 4: March of the Wooden Soldiers by Bill Willingham (also awesome).
Also I want to know if you are on Twitter (if you want to tell me!). I have some people, but would love to follow others if you want to leave your handle in the comments!
And here is the link up for May!
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Books for Baby #1
I think I've been pretty good at not talking about baby stuff too much here.. I don't know if it counts as I haven't really been talking about anything much at all on the blog lately, but still I'm proud of myself! However, today I have caved, and am going to give a very brief baby update. Currently I'm 18 weeks pregnant, which means I'm nearly half way through! :-/ I've had to get some maternity trousers and am looking like a proper fat person, rather than a pregnant one. A couple of weeks ago we heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time which was amazing, and in two weeks we'll have our next scan and can hopefully find out if we're having a boy or a girl!
However, the major point of the post is really to chronicle the beginnings of baby's library :-) We haven't bought anything at all for it yet other than books - we've been given some clothes and a car seat, but the baby shopping proper has yet to start, and while I'm not particularly bothered by the fact that we've not really looked at cots or prams, I am daily finding more books which I absolutely must get for it. I just have to add at this point that none of these books so far are the sensible cardboard, chew resistant type of book. They're all the pretty paper ones, which you're probably not meant to get the kid till much later but ah well. What can you do? I see books, I must buy. That's the way the world goes, and as I have another 4.5 months or so of the baby book buying, I decided to turn it into a semi regular feature.
So, here's my first picture!
Please excuse the tablecloth and the awful photography. What is here so far:
- Paddington: Please Look After This Bear & Other Stories by Michael Bond (audiobook)
- More About Paddington by Michael Bond (audiobook)
- Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney & Anita Jeram
- Beatrix Potter's Nursery Rhyme Book
- The Dangerous Alphabet by Neil Gaiman & Gris Grimly (includes 'E is for Evil' and other such gems of awesomeness)
One of the greatest things about browsing the picture books is that you get to rediscover brilliant stuff you'd totally forgotten about, which is why I keep finding so many more books I need! What picture books did you love as a child? Help my baby library wishlist out! :-)
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
I Wrote a Guest Post! :-)

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