Tuesday 12 July 2016

Re-Readathon #4 is Coming!

Several times a year I get antsy for some re-reading. I've been hosting Re-Readathons since last year, and although it's usually just a small handful of people it's been really fun seeing what everybody reads and hosting mini challenges and giveaways. I love it!

The fourth Re-Readathon will run from Wednesday August 10th - Sunday August 21st, just after the Middlemarch Readalong ends, for anyone interested in participating in both! There will be link ups, challenges and giveaways here on the blog, and if anyone participating is interested in hosting a mini challenge or giveaway on their blog please let me know in the comments or email me using the link.

The idea of re-readathon is simple; just re-read. Post a picture of your TBR on your blog or social media, sign up with a direct link to your blog post or tweet about the event using the linky below and tweet and/or Instagram about the event using #ReReadathon. That's it! You don't have to commit to only re-reading during the 10 days or so the event runs, but fit some re-reading in there and you're taking part!

There will be lots of events, challenges and prizes throughout the event, check out the details here.

Who's with me?


  1. Can't even think about this yet, though I want to participate! Woefully behind in Middlemarch! Must catch up this week! :)

    1. Haha yes it is a while away, I like to be prepared! I've temporarily misplace Middlemarch in my house somewhere which is slightly worrying!

    2. Ha! That makes me feel better! At least my copy is right beside my chair! I'm sure it will turn up when you aren't even looking for it!

  2. I'm in! Not sure what I'll reread yet though- based on my current mindset I think it'll be something light/ trashy...

    1. Yay! Oh yeah, I think my TBR will be light summery stuff... Maybe some Stephanie Perkins and Rainbow Rowell...:-) excited to see how your tbr ends up!

  3. I'm in and The Night Circus is my re-read :)

  4. I'm in! Can't wait to build my TBR!

  5. I'm going to be rereading audiobooks, so no picture. Haven't finished my TBR.

  6. This is a cool concept and I am definitely joining this Rereadathon. I will be posting about it on my YouTube channel. If anyone is on YouTube please follow me so I can follow back: https://www.youtube.com/user/facebookdiva

    1. My TBR is on my channel now. If the link doesn't work, search Runwright Reads or find the link in my blogpost here: https://runwright.net/2016/08/10/rereadathon-tbr/
