Sunday 30 September 2012

Banned Books Week Giveaway

This coming week is Banned Books Week in the USA, and Sheila of BookJourney is hosting a huge event with loads of blogs hosting reviews and things. I was meant to be posting about The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which I've been wanting to read for about three years but when I went to find my copy so I could read it for this, it's disappeared. I was going to post about The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie but the reason for originally wanting to post on The Perks of Being a Wallflower is that I knew that I just don't have the focus for The Satanic Verses at the moment, much as I want to read it. I currently have 9 days to go until my due date and it's all getting a little hectic around here, so this is basically my apology for the fact that there isn't actually a review up here as such.

I have lent the book to my sister though, so somebody is reading it during Banned Books Week, and there is still a giveaway. Keep reading for details! My thoughts on banning and censorship in general will be up tomorrow!

The prize for this giveaway is one book of your choice from the ALA list of frequently challenged books. There are three lists; 1990-1999, 2000-2009, and the list of banned and challenged classics. You can pick any book from these lists which is £10/$15 or less from The Book Depository. The giveaway will run until Saturday 6th October and (allowing for my due date being the next day!), I'll email the winner to get their choice of book. 

The Rules
1. To be eligible to enter you must fill in the form 
2. You do NOT have to be a follower, although obviously all followers/subscribers are greatly appreciated!
3. You must be from a country that The Book Depository ships to
4. The book you choose must be £10/$15 or less
5. Giveaway ends Saturday 6th October 2012.
That's it!

*Update* Neil Gaiman tweeted this link to a list of banned and challenged Graphic Novels this morning, which I found really interesting as it contains loads of my favourites!!


  1. Congratulations on the pending new arrival! What a very exciting time in your life and I certainly understand why you did not have time to track down your banned book yet. Thanks for hosting a giveaway despite all the busy work you must be involved in to get ready to be a mum!

  2. Sounds like a very busy time for you! The one I do want the most is Perks of Being a Wallflower... I have heard amazing things!

  3. I listened to Perks of Being a Wallflower on audio and it was so good! I hope you get to it soon! Oh and here is my tweet link...

    I missed it in the form.

  4. I read Perks of Being a Wallflower earlier this month and really loved it. I hope your sister enjoys it and that you do too when you get it back. Best of luck with delivering soon, and congratulations!

  5. Nine days! Congratulations! :)

  6. I really want to read Perks of being a Wallflower and I really want to see the movie as well. Best of luck with having your little one :)


  7. I love Perks of Being a Wallflower, I hope you enjoy it when you get the chance to read it. :) Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. Anne Frank is a great read. Looking at the list of banned books there are many books there that I didn't realize were banned or challenged. I've read some and others I've been meaning to

  9. I've been seeing The Perks of Being a Wallflower around the blogosphere this week and have added it to my TBR and TBW list. I've also never read The Satanic Verses. I guess one has to be in the mode for that one.

    Thanks and congrats!!!
