Wednesday 10 August 2016

Re-Readathon Kick Off, TBR & Day One!

Guyyyyys it's here! An excuse to do nothing but immerse myself in revisiting my favourite books and talking about them with loads of people who are doing the same. I am so excited, I don't know if I've said it enough, maybe you haven't heard about my excitement? Yeah, OK everyone's heard, but anyway here we are. If you've only just heard about this you can still sign up and re-read as much or little as you want over the next ten days. Do it. You know you want to!

Now that's out of the way, I'm going to be updating daily here on the blog, since I'm trying to post every day this month anyway and it'll be a good motivation to stay on top of letting others know what I'm reading. I'll also be posting lots on Instagram so come and find me there if you want to, and feel free to let me know your handles in the comments as well!

So here we go. After much deliberation I've decided to make this the Re-Readathon of series. Most of my TBR is composed of books which are in series. This is pretty much so that I can extend the re-readathon over the entire month if I want to. I'm obviously not going to read them all, but on my pile I have:

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K Rowling - this will be the last book I pick up for the event since I know I'll immediately fall down the Potter rabbit hole... 
  • Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - no Re-Readathon TBR would be complete without a Rainbow Rowell book, and I think this is my favourite. Also I recently re-read Eleanor & Park
  • Inkheart by Cornelia Funke - I've only read this once and that was a long time ago. I'm also thinking it would be a great excuse to re-watch the film. 
  • The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R Tolkien - I think this'll be the one I start with. I used to re-read Lord of the Rings annually but it's been years and I so miss it. It was always a summer thing for me. 
  • In Your Face by Scarlett Thomas - I re-read the first in the Lily Pascal series during the last re-readathon so I thought why not put this on the pile this time? They're pretty quick, pretty engrossing and just generally quite awesome stories.
  • The Wee Free Men and Pyramids by Terry Pratchett - I haven't read The Shepherd's Crown yet and I'm not sure that I'll ever be ready for it so I thought re-reading the Tiffany Aching series might help. And Rhys just got me a pretty edition of Pyramids and since I'm doing the thing where I'm giving myself a year to re-read all the books on my keeper shelf and after that anything not in the 'safe zone' goes, I thought I should save it really!
  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - see above about the pretty edition thing, but also it's been a long long while since I last read Jane Eyre. I've been to Haworth twice since then and I'd like to see how that experience changes the reading of the book. 
  • Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck - Summer, travel, road trips, why not? Also I love this book. 
So that's the pile. I reckon I'll read... maybe four of these? We'll see how the week goes! Don't forget to link up your TBRs in the opening post!

Opening Survey 

1. Who are you and where are you reading from?
Hi! I'm Bex, and I'm reading from the coast of Kent, UK

2. Do you re-read often?
Let's skip the 'is this your first re-readathon' bit of the question, since obviously this is my fourth. I re-read a lot - like, I have sustained periods of re-reading at least twice a year but I often pick up old favourites more often than that. Basically, it's a regular part of my life whenever I need a pick me up, and I kind of view the rest of my reading life as building up an arsenal of great books I want to re-read that will help me in all situations!

3. Are you planning to read other things as well or re-read exclusively over the next 10 days?
I'm all about the re-reading from now until... forever, probably. I absolutely use this as an excuse to forsake all else and bury myself in the familiar, and it feels needed at the moment. We've had a super busy, super social summer so far and I'm feeling in need of respite and alone time!

4. Recommend us one book. What would it be?
I feel like everyone will be expecting me to say The Night Circus, but I've recommended it so much that I'm not going to! Recently, Middlemarch by George Eliot, because it was just truly excellent and all the characters were fascinating. Please read it, don't be put off by its size or the period it was written or anything, because it is so so good. 

5. What are you reading first?
I'm going to start with either The Fellowship of the Ring or In Your Face. It might be the latter purely because I know I can read it on a stand alone basis, whereas I may otherwise lose a week to LOTR....

Day One Stats

Books Read From: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R Tolkien
Books Finished: None yet!
Favourite re-reading moment: Gandalf arriving in Hobbiton. It always makes me think of the movies, which I also love, and remember how much better Frodo is in the book.
Snacks Consumed: jammy dodgers, courgette cake with cream cheese icing (super yum, like carrot cake but lighter - look out for the recipe on the blog over the weekend!), pasta with veggie sauce & cheese
Added to TBR: His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, which Maia is reading and which I haven't re-read in years and no longer own a copy of. I'm definitely putting it on my pile for the next Re-Readathon!

As usual my title links go to Wordery & if you purchase through them (or buy anything else using the link in my left hand sidebar) I get a small commission and will love you forever. Regardless of that though you should use them, because they are very good, very independent and will ship worldwide for free.

If you want to use my update questions to do your own updates on blogs or twitter, please feel free!

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