Monday 21 March 2016

Re-Readathon Master Post!

It's heeeeeere! Today we kick off the 10 day re-reading extravaganza that is Re-Readathon #3 and I am so stupidly excited. So here's the stuff you need to know:

  • Re-Readathon runs from today until March 30th.
  • To win prizes you must be signed up and have filled in the giveaway form so I have your details & preferences should you win. You can sign up using your starting post/tweet/Instagram pic for the week and you can sign up throughout the event. 
  • There are challenges! You can do the challenges or not, but if you do please follow the instructions for them so that they count for extra entries to giveaways. This is the post to leave your links in the comments of for extra entries!
  • Please use #rereadathon on twitter and IG so I can keep up with you and to make it easier for everyone to chat. 
  • If you want to link up you update blog posts I'll put a linky below my TBR on this post so you can do that. 
  • Have fun!
I'm going to be trying to update this post daily, and will be tweeting at NinjaBookSwap and Instagramming at armchairbythesea. Let me know where you'll be taking part so I can make sure I'm following you! 

My starting TBR is above. I'm pretty sure I'm going to add a stupid amount of books to it as I plan a library trip to pick up some favourites that I don't own, just for inspiration purposes. I'm also pretty sure I'm going to put a graphic novel or two and at least one Discworld book on it as well!

If you want to link up blog updates please do that here! 

My readathon update format is entirely stolen from Ellie, for which I am unapologetic because she's pretty much the queen of readathon updates, plus her snacks are amazing!

If this gets too long (which I suspect it will) then I'll do separate update posts for other days, but this will still be the post to leave comments on for giveaway entries. 

Monday's Challenges

Show us your TBR for the event! If you want it to count as an extra entry for the giveaways please make sure you've filled in the form and follow the instructions below:
  • If you're participating on Instagram use #rereadathon, #rereadathonTBR and tag me (@armchairbythesea) in the comments please!
  • If you're participating on twitter, please use #rereadathon and tag me (@NinjaBookSwap)
  • If you've posted it on your blog please leave the link in the comments here. 
Nostalgia Challenge
Pair your current or favourite reread with something it reminds you of. Another book, person, place, food, smell, song, whatever. Full details here. Leave the link to where you've done the challenge in the linky above! 

Monday Update

Pages Read: 550
Books Read From: The Secret Seven Collection by Enid Blyton, and American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Books Finished: The Secret Seven Collection by Enid Blyton
Snacks Consumed: Several of those sherbert boiled sweet things someone brought into work...
Favourite re-reading moment of the day: When the Secret Seven made a treehouse for their meeting house in some random forest with planks of wood from their garden and nobody told them off for messing with health and safety. 

Today was a work day so I got in some good re-reading time on the bus and during my lunch hour. We went for breakfast before we started which we do from time to time and so I was super full and didn't need to venture out during my lunch or break which meant I powered through the Secret Seven books! Technically it's four books in one which makes me feel great about my reading so far!

We went to bed really early because the boys have been getting up at 5am ( but I got in a few pages of American Gods before falling asleep and I'm looking forward to continuing it tomorrow!


  1. Haha, for a moment I saw the American Gods in your picture and thought you'd shared MY to-read pile. Though I think your copy is in rather better condition than mine. I'm about to get stuck into it now for a couple of hours.

  2. Tweeted and added at blog HERE
    Thx, Bex, for the FuN!

  3. This really sucks, Bex. Am reading Salt to the Sea right now since a hold was placed on it so I couldn't renew today! My next two days will be spent NOT Re-Reading! 😕 Oh, well. There is the weekend!!

  4. Looks like you've had a great start to the re-readathon! I hope it continues!
