
Saturday, 13 August 2016

Re-Readathon Days 2,3 & 4

Sorry I've been so awol on the Re-Readathon front. I've been ill for the past few days (nothing serious, just a cold but I had kids to look after as well!) so the blogging/social media has taken a bit of a back seat! I've still been reading though and I'm three quarters done with The Fellowship of the Ring but they're just going into the mines of Moria now and it's quite heavy going so I'm thinking I might put it aside temporarily for some Fangirl or Travels with Charley later today.

2,3,& 4 Update

Books Read From: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R Tolkien. I've also been reading The New Kitchen Garden by Mark Diacomo alongside it, which isn't a re-read but has been taking up some of my time.
Books finished: Still none yet!
Favourite re-reading moment: Many throughout Lord of the Rings!
Snacks consumed: Many. Yesterday we had ratatouille and french bread in the garden, and also some dairy milk chocolate. My sister made a blackberry and apple crumble yesterday that I'll be snacking on today!
Added to my TBR: I have to be honest and say that I haven't perused the list properly since I made it, so I'll be looking through later today and will add these into my next post!

Don't forget to add your recommendations to the list by leaving a comment here or using #rereadathon for a chance to win a book of your choice! In view of my generally feeling rubbish and going to bed at approximately 7pm, I'm going to be postponing the Re-Readathon twitter chat scheduled for tomorrow to Wednesday 17th at 9pm GMT. Join us then!

Link up your Re-Readathon posts for Thursday, Friday and Saturday below!

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