Tuesday 3 May 2016


I don't do monthly TBRs often but I've started to feel recently like it would be nice to put everything I think I might read in one place so I can pull from it (or completely ignore it, as the case may be) throughout the month. I hope that it will help me to at least remember what I wanted to read. This month's pile, as you'll see, is heavily library book focused.

I picked up Memnonite in a Little Black Dress and Look Me In the Eye from the library after I did my post on Memoirs I want to read. I haven't started either yet, but I think I'm going to pick up the top one first. I'm also planning to read Our Endless Numbered Days for Stacie's twitter #bookclub140 this month (and speaking of book clubs, the May title for #feministorchestra hasn't come in at the library yet). I'm almost done with Butterflies in November, which is really great so far. A Court of Thorns and Roses and The Virgin Suicides are there to represent my bookshelves, and By The Shores of Silver Lake is this month's book for the Little House Read-Along. Finally I Will Find You is one I heard about on All the Books and it sounded really good. Plus I'm clearly on some kind of a memoir kick. 

I maaay have gone to the library again today and picked up a few more things. A couple of them are secret - research for my new bookish subscription box project, but I also got James Wong's awesomely named Grow Your Own Drugs which is full of herbal remedies that I'm quite excited to try. Although I do believe in the power of medicine, I try to use natural remedies as much as possible but at the moment that's pretty much limited to peppermint tea for pain and also wheat bags, so I'm looking forward to learning more! 


  1. The Virgin Suicides I found to be okay. I liked Mennonite in a Little Black Dress. Our Endless Numbered Days is supposed to be a good one! I also want to read Look Me in the Eye. Added Butterflies in November to my own TBR. Anxious to see what you think of these! And, of course, we'll both be reading and reviewing By the Shores of Silver Lake! #littlehouseRAL

  2. Mennonite in a LBD sounds so good! I've seen it around before but it looks like another chick-list-with-a-unique-spin book so I was excited to find out it was a memoir. I just bought Our Endless Numbered Days, The Virgin Suicides has been on my TBR for about ten years so I might try to finally read it this summer, and I MUST read my copy of Look Me in the Eye, for obvious reasons. I think I'll enjoy it, even if I don't relate to it that much; by all accounts Robison is very much of the 'stereotypical male presentation' side of Asperger's.

    I'm not doing a TBR this month - I'm in a bit of a post-Dewey post-sickness slump - but I do like yours! :)

  3. It sounds like you've got a lot going on this month in terms of book content - I hope you're able to enjoy all the books you've mentioned.

    Our Endless Numbered Days is a book that's been on my wishlist for a while now, and recently bumped up a notch or two after listening to the podcast Jen Campbell did with author herself. Also, I discovered my local library is carrying the book, so that's even better.

    I've only ever seen the film of The Virgin Suicides, not read the books, well I didn't know it was a book before going in to the film. I'm funny about watching before reading, but I think it would be a great book to experience in word format.

    Happy reading!

    Reading With Jade

  4. I just finished A Court of Thorns and Roses and it has become my new favorite book!
