So... it's day two of the Bout of Books Readathon! I realised yesterday I failed to link to anything useful, so if you want to sign up to join in with the fun, today is the last day to do so and you can do it here.
If you're interested, my goals,stats and challenge for Day 1 are here.
Pages Read: 23 altogether
Books read from: Peter Duck by Arthur Ransome
Number of books finished: 2 if you count having read the same Pingu book twice to Benji. 0 of my own books.
Time Spent Reading: probably about 45 fragmented minutes
It's 1.30pm and so far my Tuesday has been a RUBBISH reading day! I managed to read two pages of Peter Duck early this morning before Rhys left for work while we were all eating breakfast, but the rest of the morning was spent playing with and reading to Ben and since he's given up sleeping in his bed during the day I then spent about three hours walking around doing various chores with him in the pushchair, hoping he'd fall asleep which he has just done and I swear I must have walked about three miles by now, up hills and everything. I'm knackered! Anyway, since I can't use the laptop when he's awake because he likes to 'type' on it (for which read thump the keyboard as hard as he can and occasionally sit on the screen :-/) I thought I'd take advantage of the brief time period to write a post for today, participate in todays challenges, both of which look really good, and have a little read of some other blogs too!
I'm hoping I'll get to read a lot more later, after Ben's in bed, but I also have business taxy stuff to do, so maybe not....
It didn't get a huge amount better, because I had a lot of business stuff to do and some orders to work on (look at me, I'm a busy crafty entrepreneur) and by the time I actually settled down to read it was quite late and I was quite tired. Never mind, bring on Wednesday! :-)
It didn't get a huge amount better, because I had a lot of business stuff to do and some orders to work on (look at me, I'm a busy crafty entrepreneur) and by the time I actually settled down to read it was quite late and I was quite tired. Never mind, bring on Wednesday! :-)
Bookish Battle Royal Challenge hosted by My Life in Books
For this challenge the idea is to pick 3 characters and have them battle it out! I love it. My three are:
Jo March from Little Women (we don't really need to talk about how much I dislike the Winona Ryder film right now, she is here for representational purposes and that is all)
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter

aaaaand Anne Shirley from the Anne of Green Gables series
I think it would be a really close call, but in the end Hermione would win, purely because of the three of them she's the least inclined to get overly emotional about stuff. This may have a lot to do with having been created a century or so after the other two, but still I'm sticking with it! I think Anne would definitely give her a run for her money though, while Jo would be up a tree somewhere, writing about the whole experience!
The second challenge of the day is hosted by River City Reading. For this challenge, all we have to do is to make a list of books we're looking forward to, and I have quite a few at the moment!
1. The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion by Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba - not out yet, as far as I'm aware currently without a release date, but when it eventually turns up it will be epic, I can tell.
2. Fangirl & Landline by Rainbow Rowell - because I'm the last person in the whole world not to own Fangirl, but having read and obsessed about and adored Attachments and Eleanor and Park I cannot wait to read anything and everything Rowell ever writes. For the moment I'll settle for the two currently published though!
3. The Gospel of Loki by Joanne Harris - You guys know how I feel about mythology, and I think I've read all of the novels Joanne Harris has published so far and loved them all, to greater and lesser degrees. Somehow The Gospel of Loki came out without me noticing and I'm dying to read it!
4. The Seed Collectors by Scarlett Thomas - also not out yet but due in 2015 I think. I love Scarlett Thomas for she is brilliant and so I must read all of the things that she writes. Yes. *wanders off to find Our Tragic Universe to read again*
5. Fables: Witches and Fairest:Wide Awake by Bill Willingham - both in print (yay!), I've been reading the Fables series for a while but it's slow going because my local library service only have a few of them and I'm a bit cash - strapped at the moment so I've been awaiting the right moment to buy volume 14 for a while. Fairest is the new series, focusing on the female fables characters and it seems like it's going to be great!
I'm going to stop there, although I could go on forever, because I feel like with the amount of people taking part in BoB this time you lot are going to have more than enough to add to your TBRs already! :-)
Don't worry, it's 8.30pm and I've not even started reading yet!
ReplyDeleteAnd it sounds exhausting being pregnant with a toddler as well - hope you're getting in some time to rest as well.
Oh noooo, you hate the Winona Ryder movie? BUT SUSAN SARANDON! I first saw that movie as a young teenager and fell completely in love so... I'll just pretend you didn't say that. :P Also YES Hermione would definitely win. Anne would probably throw a tantrum and Jo would sulk, while Hermione would be all "yeah whatever ladies *eyeroll*". And she has a wand, so... magical advantage.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read Eleanor and Park OR Fangirl yet, so I'll have to get on those soon. I also want to read The Gospel of Loki, which I have out of the library, before someone inevitably requests it. I'm surprised they haven't already actually, I think I've been lucky with my renewals thus far!
Happy reading for day three - I hope it's a little less tiring than today! (And FYI, I may not have a toddler, but I DO have a toddler-sized fat cat who also likes to type things and sit on my laptop and turn the volume on and off with her backside so... I sympathise.) :D