
Thursday 17 October 2013

A Tale of Two Cities Readalong!

As always, I totally suck at making buttons and the like, however a little while ago I asked you which of a choice of Dickens books from my Classics Club list people would be interested in reading with me, and this was the clear favourite. Thus I am announcing the A Tale of Two Cities readalong, and since December is a brilliantly atmospheric month for reading Dickens, that is when we shall be doing it! If you are interested in reading about the best of times and the worst of times with me, all you have to do is mention your intention to do so in a post on your blog, twitter, tumblr or whatever else you use to communicate your bookishness to the world and then link up to it below! Feel free to create your own buttons or to nick my slightly crap round the edges picture and I will put up a schedule closer to the time :-) In the meantime, feel free to spread the word, because the more people involved in a discussion about a book, the more fun it is!


  1. Yes, yes, yes, and YES. I'm so totally joining in. Dickens is ideal for December and I've been wanting to read this one for a while. Thanks, Bex!

  2. Oooh, I might have to join this one! It's looking winter might be The Classics Quarter of my 2013, with Ellie's readalong of The Moonstone hovering temptingly over November as well... I NEED TO MAKE SOME READING DECISIONS HERE, PEOPLE!

    1. You should definitely readalong with us! It's not really a very long book, we're looking at like 5 chapters a week so it's not a big commitment! Come on Ellie, you know you want to!

  3. Sounds perfect for December. Count me in!

  4. I *might* do this. Might. The thing that's swaying me towards it is the fact that there is a Clothbound Classic version of it, but the thing that's swaying me away (cause that's a saying...) is, you know, Dickens. Also, I SUCK at being at all blog productive in December. It's a thing.

    But still. PERHAPS.

    1. You should because apparently it is a good Dickens and also the whole thing about readalongs is that they help your blog seem productive even if it isn't! Also Clothbound Classics are beeeeaaautiful! do it, you know you want to. Plus Hanna is and Ellie can totally be persuaded so you have to! *peer pressure*

  5. I won't be joining in because I reread it fairly recently, but will certainly be willing to lurk in other people's blog posts. It's one of my favourite books of all time! *waves pompoms* Go readers go!

  6. I am so excited. I have wanted to read this for a long time, but I need encouragement. This will be perfect! Thanks!

    1. Great :-) Glad to have you join us, I need encouragement too so we can all encourage each other!

  7. Ok, I signed up.
    I've had a bit of difficulty with Dickens in the past (except for Great Expectations. I love Great Expectations.) but I put Tale of Two Cities on my Classics Club list, and hopefully a readalong will help me finish it. I've never finished a Dickens book other than Great Expectations, which I've read three times. :-P


    1. I've had lots of trouble with him as well (although I agree about Great Expectations and A Christmas Carol is pretty great as well) so hopeful this will help lots of us read a bit more :-) My sister says it's really good though, so fingers crossed!

  8. Hi - I would like to read along! I try to read one classic a year and it was my choice this year and I haven't been able to plug through it yet!

  9. This is a bit late, but I'm joining too! It's my first readalong! Yay!
