
Sunday, 22 April 2012

Readathon Update Post

Hour 23

I never did manage to really settle down to this readathon, I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the weather being so beautiful I feel like I'm wasting it by not being outside or on the beach or something... Anyway, I'm calling it a day now and I've read a grand total of 248 pages which is pathetic by anyone's standards but there we go. At least I have finally read The Awakening, which has been on my TBR for literally years, so I'm proud of that! And I'm really loving Skippy Dies, so I'll definitely be reading that some more today.

In the past hour I managed to get distracted by the suddenly urgent problem of sorting out my CDs... I figure if this has suddenly become an 'important' thing that I just must do right now, then I'm probably done with the readathon! Anybody who's made it through the whole 24 hours, I am so impressed I actually have no words for it. Hope everybody's had a great readathon, despite my unproductiveness, I've still had fun and have finally managed to do a mini challenge!!

Hour 21

I'm still feeling kind of unfocused. I read the first couple of pages of Books, Baguettes and Bedbugs and decided it doesn't fit with my mood at the moment, so I went back to my original plan and started Skippy Dies by Paul Murray. I'm 49 pages in and so far it's brilliant! I'm still getting waaaaay too distracted by the internet (mostly Twitter!), and still haven't done any mini challenges. It's a shame I've been so epically faily this time round as it's probably the last readathon for a while I'll be able to participate in - in October, all being well, my baby will be just a couple of weeks old, and so it will be next April at the earliest that I'll get to take part again! The next time I do this, though, I'll do what I said I was going to do last time - take the day off work on the Saturday and remove myself from distraction and just attempt to read for the entire 24 hours! Meanwhile, I'm getting back to Skippy Dies and will see how much I get read before the end!

Hour 19

This readathon I've definitely been more pathetic than the last! I've still yet to finish The Awakening, although it looks like I'll be doing that in the next twenty minutes or so and moving on to Books, Baguettes, and Bedbugs, which wasn't on my original list, but which I remembered last night and have decided I must read, like, right now. 

So far, I've read for a grand total of about three hours, in between sleeping, which is horrendous, but I'm here now and I'm planning to stay until the end! I may not get to any minichallenges, because I'm so behind with my reading and even though I know I have a valid excuse for all the sleeping, I still wish I'd read more. So enough with the blogging, I'm off to read!!


  1. Good job! It is so important to read a book that you are in the "mood" to read! Good luck with the last 3.5 hours!

  2. Bex, you're doing fantastic. Congrats on the baby! You'll not miss the readathon at all next time, you'll be too busy admiring your little one.

    Skippy Dies is a great read. But will you finish it before the end? ;-)

    Keep going, just a few more hours!

  3. The internet is very distracting! But you've gone great! *\o/*
