
Monday 16 April 2012

It's that time again...

Readathon time! :-D The last 24 hour readathon in October 2011 was the first time I've ever attempted an entire 24 hours dedicated to reading, and although my success was limited due to lack of internet access and the fact that I had to work until 6pm on the Saturday, I LOVED it, and I'm so excited that it's here again.

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon runs twice a year, in April and October, and the upcoming one runs from 12pm GMT on Saturday 21st April until 12pm on Sunday 22nd. As I did last year, I'm going to prepare a really unrealistic pile of books to choose from so that I know there'll be something I feel like reading at all time. Hopefully my internet will play ball a bit more this time around and I'll be able to visit other people's blogs, participate in the mini-challenges, and post updates a lot more regularly than last time.

I won't be reading for the full 24 hours - I may get in a bit during my lunch break etc at work, but I won't really start until about 6pm, and I'm very unlikely to read through the night as due to my present condition I'm incredibly sleepy lots of the time so I'm definintely going to have to take a nap at some point, but I'll try to get in as much reading time as I possibly can. Here are the books I'm putting on my readathon pile:

The Awakening by Kate Chopin - been on my TBR for ages and it's really small so good for some variety. Also it's on my list for The Classics Club and I really need to get started on some of them!

Skippy Dies by Paul Murray - I'm really excited about reading this and I got in in the Waterstone's sale so it has new book smell which is brilliant :-) 


State of the Union by Douglas Kennedy - it's a big book, but I really enjoy Douglas Kennedy normally and they are usually pretty easy reads so might be good for some late - night reading. 

The Language of Others by Clare Morrall - I read Astonishing Splashes of Colour years ago and fell in love with it and ever since then I've been looking for more Clare Morrall. I came across this the other day in a 2nd hand shop for 95p (!) and couldn't resist. Also from the blurb it sounded a little like the protagonist could have an autistic spectrum disorder, which some of you will know really interest me, although that could be purely speculation on my part. 

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon - a book about books intrigues me at the moment!

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis - I still have all of these except The Magician's Nephew to read for the Narnia Reading Project, so I might try to get through some or all of them!

And that's it! Like I said, I like to make sure there's some variety there
and doubtless I'll end up reading bits and pieces of everything and not actually finishing an entire book but oh well. Are you taking part? I'd love to know what other people are planning to read :-) And if you haven't signed up yet, you really should!

1 comment:

  1. The Awakening is one of my favourite readings. For me, it has everything and it is not only a tale of rediscovery for the main character, Edna, but for the young female reader too. I hope you like :)
