
Thursday 19 January 2012

Fill in the Gaps...

I have not blogged at all this week, and I feel ridiculously bad about it so I thought I'd just put up a little update post more to try to motivate myself with what I need to be doing than anything else! The big news is that I totally failed in my book buying ban already.... I went into Waterstone's the other day while waiting for my husband and bough him Kick Ass by Mark Millar because we watched the movie for the first time the other day and he was dying to read the book. I figured that didn't count, as it was a gift, but then they were having a sale and you all know what that means.. I bought The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas at 50% off because I've been reading good things about it and I read the first paragraph and it seemed interesting, and The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings at 15% off because of the movie that's coming out soon. The Descendants also happens to be set in Hawaii which is convenient because I didn't have a Hawaii book for the 50 States Challenge yet and I started it yesterday and I adore it so far. 

So yes, I am officially a giant fail - face but I don't feel bad about it - I also bought River Cottage Veg Everyday as we've been watching the series and I'm really interested in doing more vegetarian cooking, so I'm going to use it as an incentive and feeling productive rather than guilty. I'm doing brilliantly with the reading so far this year but terribly with reviewing, which I hope to rectify tomorrow. Hubby's on a late at work, so I plan to sit on the laptop with a lot of tea and get all caught up and scheduled on reviews as well as doing some (*gasp*) online reading for my Year of Louisa May Alcott... Wish me luck!

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