
Sunday 24 April 2011

The Sunday Salon - Happy Sunny Easter!

Currently I'm enjoying a veerrrry lazy Easter Sunday, back in London with the family. My siblings and I, having just hunted Easter eggs with a vengeance (I had to hunt double, for the fiance, as he couldn't make the visit this weekend..and yes, I know that 23 is a bit old to be hunting eggs, but tradition is important!) are now lying all over the place, having a Chronicles of Narnia film marathon.

I love it when Easter is as sunny and warm as this one has been. It makes me feel hopeful. Everything associated with Easter, for me, is all about new life. We've just been to an all night vigil service at church, and it's made me think a lot about the way that I use the time I have on earth. Lately, everything's been a bit hectic, what with all the interviews and having my induction for my new job while still working at the old one, not to mention the fact that we in England are currently having two four day bank-holiday weekends in a row, and the weather is supposed to be glorious until at least the middle of the week! Unfortunately, the other half is on horrible antibiotics, which make him super-sensitive to the sun, so our Easter Monday is likely to be spent in pajamas, watching a lot of films, and eating our Easter chocolate!

In the world of reading, there's a lot going on! At the moment I'm about to start Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in my 'calm down don't panic, escape and pretend to be a wizard' re-read, which I posted about earlier in the week. I'm also getting through the final volume of Noel Streatfeild's autobiography, Beyond the Vicarage, which I'm really enjoying. I will review the three volumes together at some point in the not too distant future, I hope. I'm a little apprehensive, because I've almost extinguished the stack of Streatfeild books my library service have, and as my book-buying ban is still going strong, I'm wondering what I'm going to read next! I think I'll have to go add lots to my amazon wish list, and hope that some kind souls decide to gift me some books! Finally, I'm ploughing through the sixth volume of the Death Note manga series, which I'm enjoying much much more than I expected to!

Blog-wise, hopefully I will be able to get my April Fairytale Feature up this week, but otherwise, don't expect too much activity from me, I'm afraid. Still trying to figure out the home internet situation. Hopefully it will be forthcoming, but probably not until the end of May, so until then I will be restricted to using it at the library, on average once a week. Sorry about that, please bear with me, I will be back to regular blogging soon, I promise!

So that's me, pretty much. How's everyone else doing?

Happy Easter, all!

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