
Saturday, 24 September 2016

Ninja Book Box Blog Tour!

The blog tour for Ninja Book Box kicks off today. This post was originally going to be on the book box website but that's still in the throes of being optimised for mobiles so I thought while that's happening I'd post here, since I haven't in aaaaaaaages and people (who don't follow me on twitter) may think I'm dead. Anyone on twitter is in absolutely no danger of thinking that since I never shut up there. It starts for real tomorrow with three different bloggers, but I'm bookending the tour here and on the Ninja Book Box website, where I'll be posting a wrap up once it's all done!

Anyway! In case you haven't heard, Ninja Book Box is my new brain child. It's a quarterly book box that I started prompted by my inability to find a book box catering to a variety of genres and promoting the discovery of independently published titles. Most of the non-YA book boxes out there are based in the US and the postage makes them prohibitively expensive for people such as myself, so I thought that it might be fun to throw my hat into the ring. Authors are always being told to write the book they want to read, so I thought why not make the box I wanted to buy?

Because I'm poor (due to buying too many books, only working part time cos of small people care etc) I decided to launch a Kickstarter to fund the startup costs and costs of the first box and woohoo it's more than met my initial target. As you can imagine all this has been very exciting and I've spent a lot of time running around in circles waving my arms. Equal amounts of time curled up in a small ball freaking out that nobody will like what I've made, but we'll gloss over that part...

The box is currently only available by backing the Kickstarter (or entering the giveaway at the end of this post) and it's going to be pretty awesome. I'm excited! Here's a little teaser picture:

Your box might look like this, or it might not, it's all very mysterious really. The only thing I can guarantee you is that I will think that it's excellent, because if I didn't honestly believe that it's the most awesome thing I'm capable of putting together then I wouldn't be doing it! 

If you want to have a little fun on twitter check out #dontaskaboutthefrog and you can also tell me a story about how you think the frog ended up in the picture. Use the hashtag, there might be prizes, and some of the stories already on there will probably make you giggle!

The blog tour is running for the next two weeks with people doing feature posts and q&as, their own posts about indie publishers and titles they love and their experiences with indies in general, and guest posts from me on all sorts of things! Follow the tour if you want and help us spread the word using #ninjabookbox. If you want to back the Kickstarter it runs until October 2nd and you can do that here.

The giveaway is international, so please enter it wherever you are in the world! If you're receiving a box as a Kickstarter reward you're still welcome to enter. If you win you can either get an extra box for a friend or redeem the February box for free!

Catch up with the blog tour: 
Q&A about the box at Avid Reader
Feature at Live Otherwise
All About Indies & Ninja Book Box (+ Giveaway) at Ginger Night Owl
Supporting Indie Authors & Independent Publishers (& Giveaway) at Jenny in Neverland
Guest Post: The Importance of Reading Indie at Never Imitate
Guest Post: Community at The Quiet Knitter
Ninja Book Box is Coming! at Blue Book Balloon
Ninja Book Box is Coming at Curiosity Killed the Bookworm
Guest Post: Awesome Indie Books at Have Books Will Read
Introducing the Ninja Book Box at BiblioBeth
Q and A with me at The Owl on the Bookshelf
Ninja Book Box:Blog Tour at A Novel Haul
Guest post on Doing Crazy Things on the Internet at Bookaholic Babe
Ninja Book Box: Subscription Box Giveaway at Ali the Dragon Slayer
Enthusing about the Ninja Book Box by LouLou Reads
Ninja Book Box:Book Subscription Box from the UK by 27 Book Street
Indie Book Read a Chapter by Onto the Next Adventure


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Penni! :-) I've really appreciated your support throughout the process and with the swap too!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I'm figuring out the intl prices right now! They'll be up on the website in the next week or so hopefully :-)

  5. I am so excited about the launch of this!

  6. Bex, where do you get the energy to do all you do? Take care of yourself and whichever 4 footed dropped el coqui in the box! (I don't tweet)

  7. I've seen your tweets about this project and you sound really enthusiastic <3 This subscription box's idea is amazing! You've done really well, Bex!!! :')


  8. What an amazing idea! I'm so excited to enter to win the first ever Ninja Book Box! Thanks a bunch for the chance to win! :D

  9. This sounds so cool! Huge congratulations to you! Making a book subscription box is no easy task, but you did it (:
    I'm looking forwatd to see what it contains ^^
    Good luck to everyone entering the giveaway!

  10. I love this The First Ever Ninja Book Box! idea. And congrats to you :)

  11. The 'don't ask about the frog' actually made me snort my tea and I'm not sure why...

    I'm really super curious about what's in the box :)

  12. I'm really curious to see what's in the box! :) Great idea!
